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No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, we all adjust, successfully or unsuccessfully, to the changes in life. Some changes will be thrust upon us, others may be brought by cultural expectations.
A grocery store may stop carrying our favorite flavor of ice cream. The small changes are generally just minor inconveniences. If we start a new job this week, the changes in our life may be more difficult. Then, there are the mega life-altering changes that really test our strength.
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. Henri Bergson

What does maturity have to do with change? Usually, wisdom comes with each experience. If we are willing to examine very carefully the choices we have made, bad or good, we can develop and apply this wisdom when change comes our way again. Dealing successfully with change can be one of our biggest challenges and assets.
5 Strategies for Successfully Dealing with Change
1. Expect change. It will come. At any and every point in our lifetime, we will experience change…